Tuesday, May 1, 2012

PAD Dirt Track



Water Supply Chart

                  L=       2

                  Q=      2

                  C=       2

                   d=       2

hf= .07162572821ft
Static Head= 109.81ft
Dynamic Head= 109.093742179ft
Actual pressure= 47.2267284493psi


Q=(1/15)(5000ft2 )(70o )
Q=17.500 BTU/hr

 Beam for roof on second floor-50 lb/ft max moment 3906.25 lb-ft

Girder for second floor roof supporting four beams each supporting a total of 1250 lbs max moment at 20,825 lb-ft.

Beam for second floor floor and first floor ceiling with uniform load of 150 lbs and a max moment of 11,718.75 lb-ft.

Girder for second floor floor and first floor ceiling supporting 4 beams each carrying 3,250 lbs with a max moment at 62,475 lb-ft.

Design Development

A-1 Floor Plan
A-2 Ceiling Plan 

A-3 Roof Plan

A-4 Elevations

A-5 Section and Details

E-1 Electrical Plan

Project Management

Preliminary Design

Bubble Diagrams & Decision Matrix

Client Meeting Notes:

Client requested offices in building for track, a viewing area on second floor, area for storage of equipment and vehicles, and a reception area.

Designers suggested both indoor and outdoor viewing area, interior and exterior staircases, curtain walls in display and viewing areas, basement areas for storage and utilities, and canopy for second floor viewing area.

Designers made requested changes and the approved ones they suggested.

Rendering of office

Rendering of building viewed from parking lot

Rendering of track

Rendering of display room

Viability Analysis 4.1.6

1.    Make a list of at least three commercial or institution development facilities that you have considered for the site. Your list may include some of the following facility types.
·         Movie Theatre
·         Laser Tag
·         Sport Track
·         Food Place
2.    Review applicable codes, regulations, and zoning. Are all of the commercial or institutional facilities on your list legally allowable? Is a variance or zoning change necessary in order to obtain a building permit? Note that variances and zoning changes are routinely requested and should not automatically eliminate a commercial activity at this point in project planning. However, if the proposed activity will conflict with surrounding uses, a variance or zoning change may not be granted.
All of the facilities are allowable but movie theatre and food place require a change in code.
3.    Eliminate project ideas from the list that appear to conflict with codes, regulations, and/or zoning and for which you anticipate a variance or zoning change is unlikely. Your teacher will act as the zoning board in order to approve any zoning variance requests.  Select alternate potential commercial projects that you consider to be legally allowed or for which you anticipate a variance or zoning change is feasible (per your teacher). Provide at least three potential project ideas.
The highest scoring option on the decision matrix (sport track) doesn’t require a change in code.  The only change in code that might be required would be to B-3, and that was approved.
4.    Make a list of all of the important physical site characteristics that should be considered when choosing a type of facility to be constructed on the site. Examples include availability of utilities, environmental concerns, size and shape of property, location of floodplains and wetlands, etc.
·         Size of pond
·         Type of soil
·         Proximity to other land features
·         Land features
5.    Approximate the square footage for each potential project. Then approximate the cost of the facility using the RS Means Quick Cost Estimator at http://www.rsmeans.com/calculator/index.asp. This site requires registration, but is free. If a specific facility is not listed, choose the facility that most closely resembles the project for which you are creating the estimate.
Movie Theatre~12000ft²
Laser Tag~7500ft²
Sport Track~3750ft²
Food Place~5000ft²
·    Record the Construction Type used for each project estimate.
Movie Theatre II-A
Laser Tag I-A (with foam on concrete)
Sport Track (offices) I-A
Food Place II-A
·    Record the estimated Contractor’s Overhead & Profit, Architectural Fees, and Total Building Cost for low, medium, and high cost ranges for each project estimate.
Movie Theatre~$1,563,485
Laser Tag~$400,000
Sport Track~$381,824
Food Place~$725,000 to $850,000
·    Calculate the cost per square foot for the medium total building cost for each facility.
Movie Theatre~$130 per ft² to $143 per ft²
Laser Tag~$36 per ft² to $74 per ft² (without vests/equipment)
Sport Track~$85 per ft² to $105 per ft²
Food Place~$145 per ft² to $175 per ft²
It is important to understand that the cost of construction alone cannot determine financial feasibility. The anticipated return on the investment must also be considered; however, we will not investigate investment return potential here.
6.    Based on the results of your decision matrix, choose the commercial project that appears to be the best choice for the site. Write a brief viability analysis and project proposal describing the type of commercial facility that your team recommends for the site. Justify your suggestion using the information you have gathered and your decision matrix comparison as evidence.

The best choice for the site would be the sport track.  This is because not only did it get the highest score on the decision matrix, but it also would be the most practical.  Though the sport track isn’t the safest or most needed, it would be very practical and entertaining.  For this project, we would have a dirt track on the premises with a garage and office for the vehicles that would be used on this track.  On the second floor would be offices, bathrooms, and a viewing area inside and a terrace outside for those accompanying the customers.  It would also be profitable and not too costly.

Code Requirements

The current property is classified as agriculture intensive as according to Wells County gis.

ADA requirements
In accordance with chapter 11 of the IBC, our structure will have an interior elevator and a ramp to the door(s) or ground-level door(s).

Occupancy classification
This building will have multiple classifications.  The two classifications would be A-5 (assembly for viewing outside activities) and S (storage including vehicle storage and repair).  The occupancy load is about 34 people (5000ft²*150).

Type of construction
Based on the type of building and price, our building will be built out of steel beams and concrete with glass for the curtain walls on the second floor.  We will use concrete and steel because we will be dealing with possibly flammable materials and fairly messy materials, and those would be most fire-retardant and easiest to clean.

Maximum building size: maximum area, maximum height, maximum number of stories
We have no maximum building size due to the fact that we will be using construction type IA.

Occupancy load (guess how many people)

Parking requirements

We will have approximately 30 parking spaces with 2 of those being reserved as accessible spaces in accordance with IBC chapter 11. Area of parking-8’*20’=160ft^2*28 regular parking spaces=4480 total square feet.
Accessible-21’*20’=420 square feet for accessible

Total area for parking 4900ft²

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

4.1.4 Site Discovery

1.  Plat-
2.  Tax Map-Total Value $179,100 Land Value $48,100 Improvement Value $131,000, Lancaster Township (010), payed $1,224.80
3.  Topographical Map-

4.  Soil Map-

5.  Web Soil Survey- 
 w-p water
Mainly GnB2 Glynwood silt loam 4-7% eroded slopes,  
BkB2 Brinkerton silt loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes, moderately eroded 5.8 pH 1.83 Org

6.     Building Code
 CH3 Section 304.1 Business Group B
7.     Municipal Ordinances (Online Library at http://www.municode.com/ or library at http://www.amlegal.com)
IBC 2009

 8.     Zoning Map (municipal ordinances or online map)
9. Flood Insurance Rate Map (create a FIRMette on the FEMA Map Service website at http://msc.fema.gov)
Not in a flood zone
10. Wetlands Inventory (National Wetlands Inventory at http://www.fws.gov/wetlands/Data/Mapper.html
Doesn't lie in a wetland region
11. Coastal Zone regulations if applicable (http://coastalmanagement.noaa.gov/mystate/welcome.html)
12. Endangered Species Critical Habitat Map (FWS Critical Habitat Portal at http://criticalhabitat.fws.gov/
There are no endangered species in the state of Indiana 
13. Superfund sites (EPA National Priorities List webpage at http://www.epa.gov/superfund/sites/npl/index.htm)
There are no pollutants in the area
14. Public Transportation Routes nearby
None around
15. Local emergency medical, police, and fire stations
Ossian Police and fire departments and Lutheran Medical hostile