Thursday, January 12, 2012

Activity 3.1.4 Commercial Roof Systems

1.    Why are flat roofs common on larger commercial buildings?
Flat roofs are are the best choice.  It allows for easy access and other things to be placed on the roof like solar panels or other green materials like plants.
2.    Why are the standard pitched roof treatments not acceptable for a low-slope roof?
Low sloped roofs have to keep water out standard treatment places shingles from the bottom up on a much steeper surface and if that is done on a low sloping roof water can get in because the slope is not very high.

3.    Why are the typical low-slope roof surfaces not appropriate when public access is planned?
Normally tar paper and stone is used and when public access is being planed then it is not the best thing to be walking on. Also flat roof surfaces with foot traffic have to work twice as hard. In one to keep from crackingso water stays out and two, for supporting the person walking on it. So they must be reinforced even more.

4.     What factors are important to consider when designing a green roof?
The weight of the roof on top framing because if there is to much material it could cause to much stress on the frame work. Also what other objects you plan to build on the roof or put there. To much weight can cause the roof joists to fail.

5.    What advantages do green roofs provide over standard low-slope roof treatments?
The soil between the roofing and the sun allows for extra UV ray protection.  This also keeps more heat out when not wanted and keeps more in when wanted.

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